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Jacob Stegenga - Sisyphean Science
Jacob Stegenga: The Medicalisation of Sexual Desire
Jacob Stegenga: Medical Nihilism and Gentle Medicine
Is Our Trust In Medicine Mistaken? | Full Talk | Jacob Stegenga
Jacob Stegenga (University of Cambridge)
Jacob Stegenga: The Perils of P-Hacking and the Promise of Pre-analysis Plans
Roses & Rhetoric: Episode #23 - Medical Nihilism w/ Cambridge Professor of Philosophy, Dr. Stegenga
Revitalizing Science and Values Conference: Keynote Speakers
TEDxAberystwyth 2018 promo video: Prof. David Healy
Pursuitworthiness, Inductive Risk and 'Female Viking Warriors'
Staring Into the Void: The Resolution of Nihilism Through Buddhist Practice